Knightly Virtues

Below is a list of Knightly Virtues and definitions for them that help modern people understand the medieval mindset. (The Lists and definitions compiled by Garrison Morton)
  • Chastity- Abstention from all or (unlawful) sexual intercourse; restraint and simplicity in design or expression; and perhaps: purity in conduct and intention.
  • Compassion- feeling sympathetic of someone’s distress and wanting to alleviate it. 
  • Courage- the mentality, spirit or moral conviction to face difficulty, danger, pain, and to persevere. I like to think about this one as doing something dangerous because the act is worth the risk.
  • Courtesy- excellence of manners or social conduct;  indulgence/consent. (as an aside it it what modern people label “chivalry”
  • Faith- something that one believes without any form of proof.
  • Fortitude- mental and emotional strength in facing difficulty, adversity, danger, or temptation courageously. 
  • Franchise- Using the special privilege that is granted to you or your group for good; Also, using the freedom or immunity from some burden or restriction vested in that person or group. i.e. being a patron of the arts, or helping others achieve their goals
  • Honor- Modern people have two different distinctions of honor, personal (honesty, fairness, or integrity in one’s beliefs and actions) and conferred (public esteem; fame; glory),both should be present in a knight.
  • Honesty/Truthfulness- being honest, sincere, and frank.
  • Humility- having a modest opinion of your own importance. 
  • Largess/Generosity- the generous bestowal of gifts.
  • Loyalty- Faithfulness to commitments, obligations, to your sovereign, or to a cause.
  • Nobility- nobleness of mind, character, or spirit; exalted moral excellence; grandeur or magnificence.
  • Prowess- exceptional or distinguished valor, bravery, ability, skill, or strength, especially in combat or battle. Valiant or daring deeds.
  • Prudence- skill and good judgment in the use of resources; caution as to danger or risk; discretion.
  • Reason- a rational ground or motive; the mental powers concerned with forming conclusions, judgments, or inferences.
  • Strength- power to resist force or attack; mental power, force, vigor, or firmness.

Many of these values could perhaps be combined such as strength and fortitude, prudence and reason, franchise and nobility, but they are easier to understand and more medieval to look at them in the most basic form.
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